
--- Drunken Sailor ---
【  曲 名  】Drunken Sailor (酔いどれ水夫をどうしよう)
【 作曲者名 】British Traditional
【 作詞者名 】British Traditional
【  編 曲  】小田 明男
【データ作成者】蛞蝓なめちゃん (odasan@ma.catv.ne.jp)
【 データ形式 】標準MIDIファイル(.MID) Format 1 :Timebase=96
【 作成ソフト 】Cakewalk Proffessional for Windows95
【 対応音源 】GS, GM (データ作成時は SC-88 Pro を使用)




What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Early in the morning?

* Hoo-ray, and up she rises! Hoo-ray, and up she rise!
Hoo-ray, and up she rises! early in the morning.

Put him in the longboat and make him bail her!
Put him in the longboat and make him bail her!
Put him in the longboat and make him bail her!
Early in the morning.

* (repeat)

Lay him in the scuppers and hose him all over!
Lay him in the scuppers and hose him all over!
Lay him in the scuppers and hose him all over!
Eary in the morning.

* (repeat)